Key Documents

You can access Key Documents related to the Harbor Point former MGP site from the links below:

Major Reports are documents prepared by independent engineering consultants to National Grid, and accepted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, as well as certain documents prepared by the NYSDEC. Among the reports you will find here are the Final Remedial Investigation Report which describes the environmental conditions found on the site and in its vicinity, the Feasibility studies which describe the alternatives that were considered in developing Remedial Action Plans for the Operable Units, the Remedial Action Plans and the Records of Decision finalizing the Remedial Action Plans and specifying the goals and objective for the remediation of each Operable Unit. There are also plans that describe how Remedial Action Plan will be implemented.

Fact Sheets are documents that have been distributed to the neighbors of the site as major reports and milestones were reached and public meetings scheduled.

Report Archive: During the work, National Grid will provide updates on activities related to the remediation of the site. The reports include a summary of the recent activities and a forecast of planned activities, focusing on those that may impact normal community activities. The reports are archived in chronological order.