Update – Spring 2009

The work currently being undertaken at the Harbor Point site includes:

  • Removal of purifier material: Approximately 30,000 cubic yards of purifier material, a waste from the former manufactured gas plant process, will be excavated from the Mohawk River shoreline and adjacent wetlands and placed in a monitored containment cell.

  • Removal of coal tar and contaminated soil from the Mohawk Riverbank: Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil along the riverbank at the former Lee Street Extension Storm Sewer will be removed and disposed off-site.

  • Design of the on-site thermal treatment system for contaminated soil (continuing through 2009)

  • Design of the Utica Harbor sediment cap (continuing through 2009)

  • Revision of the Mohawk River Feasibility Study.

A portion of the remedial work for Operable Unit 3 is the responsibility of and implemented under the control of the Canal Corporation, which has previously completed the capping of one contaminated area..